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Eat Marketing Concepts Pty Ltd

Office Licence Agreement

Office Manager: B2B HQ Pty Ltd Atf B2BHQ Trust, ABN: 68 684 185 897

Office Seeker: Eat Marketing Concepts Pty Ltd, ABN 23 661 106 047, ACN 661 106 047 & Directors.

Building: 135-141 Cardigan St, Carlton Victoria 3053

Office: Suite 7, 135 Cardigan St, Carlton, Victoria, 3053.
1 Man Executive Office + 2x Co-Working Desks, 1 day per week, Monday recurring.

12 months

Commencement Date: Monday, 17 February 2025.

Expiry Date: 17 February 2026

$490 + GST per month payable in advance.

Bond: $980 + GST

Private Office + 2x Co-Working Desks

Details Schedule

Data & file storage: No server or storage access provided, cloud/off-site storage to be arranged with a third party.

Telephone numbers:
Numbers can be ported across to our IP and accessible with in-room IP telephones.
Usage at own expense.

Fax number:
Fax/Email – Email/Fax solutions available at cost upon request.

Own printer to be provided by the office seeker and used exclusively by office seeker.

Provided in the room as per inspection, should additional furniture be required, management will
review upon request.

Suite Address & Mailbox:
Suite 7, 135 Cardigan St, Carlton Victoria 3053. (this address only to be used by office seeker, exclusively)
A secure Pincode mailbox will be assigned for mail.

1. Grant

(a) The Office Manager grants a non-exclusive licence to the Office Seeker to use the Office during the Term on the terms in this document.

(b) This licence starts on the Commencement Date and ends on the Expiry Date. The Office Seeker cannot use or occupy the Office under this licence after the Expiry Date. 

(c) The rights given by this document are solely contractual and do not create or give to the Office Seeker any estate or interest in the land on which the Office is situated.

(d) Each party has agreed to the terms of this licence by indicating acceptance at the time of booking the Office (in the case of the Office Seeker), or at the point the booking is confirmed (in the case of the Office Manager).

2. Fee

(a) The Office Seeker must pay the Fee to the Office Manager, as specified in the Details Schedule.

(b) If the Office Seeker fails to pay an amount payable by it when due, the Office Seeker must pay interest on that amount from the due date of payment until the date that the amount is paid in full, both dates inclusive. Interest is payable at the rate of 20% per annum and accrues day to day.

3. Use

3.1  Office Seeker’s Obligations

The Office Seeker must:

(a) use the Office only for the Use;

(b) comply on time with the law and with the requirements of all authorities relating to its use or occupation of the Office;

(c) keep the Office clean and tidy and free of rubbish, pests and vermin at all times;

(d) maintain the Office in the same condition as at the Commencement Date;

(e) comply with all rules of the Building and Office as notified to it by the Office Manager on or prior to the Commencement Date;

(f) take out and maintain adequate insurance cover for public liability in respect of its use or occupation of the Office, and provide certificate of currency to the Office Manager on request;

(g) protect the Building and the Office from damage and promptly repair and make good to the Office Manager’s satisfaction any damage caused to the Building or the Office by the Office Seeker or its Associates;

(h) allow the Office Manager to access the Office at all times without notice; and

(i) comply with any Special Conditions.

3.2  Office Seeker’s Prohibitions

The Office Seeker must not:

(a) allow any circumstance to arise in or near the Office which might be a nuisance to other occupiers or visitors to the Building or to the occupiers of other properties in the vicinity of the Building;

(b) have or store in the Office any chemicals or other hazardous substances (in whatever form or state); or

(c) obstruct the common areas of the Building or any emergency exits with goods or any other items.

(d) do not sub-lease or provide unauthorised personnel into the building.

4.  Office Manager's rights

(a) If the Office Seeker leaves goods or other items in the common areas of the Building at any time, or in the Office after the Expiry Date, the Office Manager may remove those goods or other items at the risk of the Office Seeker, place them in storage and treat any of those goods as abandoned and deal with them as it sees fit in its absolute discretion at the Office Seeker’s cost.

(b) The Office Manager may carry out any works (including any development, extension or alteration) in or to the Building as it sees fit in its absolute discretion, provided that doing so does not interfere with the Office Seeker’s occupation of the Office.

(c) The Office Manager may install, remove, use, maintain, repair, temporarily interrupt, alter, replace or otherwise deal with any of the services to the Building, including any services passing through or servicing the Office, provided that doing so does not interfere with the Office Seeker’s occupation of the Office.

(d) The Office Manager may enter the Office at any time without notice.

5.  Release and indemnity

5.1  Release

(a) The Office Seeker uses and occupies the Office and the Building entirely at the Office Seeker’s own risk, including as to theft, loss or damage of its goods in the Office.

(b) The Office Manager is not liable to the Office Seeker for and the Office Seeker releases the Office Manager from any claim, loss, cost or expense paid, suffered or incurred by or available to the Office Seeker relating to its use or occupation of the Office and the Building, except to the extent caused by the Office Manager’s wilful act or omission.

5.1  Indemnity

This indemnity covers the company and is personally guaranteed by the individual directors.

The Office Seeker is liable for and indemnifies the Office Manager against any claim, loss, cost or expense paid, suffered or incurred by the Office Manager or available against the Office Manager to the extent caused by:

(a) damage or loss of property or injury or death of any person caused or contributed to by the Office Seeker or its Associates;

(b) any accident on or about the Building (not caused by the Office Manager) caused or contributed to by the Office Seeker or its Associates;

(c) an incident occurring in the Office caused or contributed to by the Office Seeker or its Associates;

(d) the entry into or escape from the Office of water, gas, electricity or other substance or thing caused or contributed to by the Office Seeker or its Associates; or

(e) the Office Seeker being in default under this document,

such liability to be reduced proportionally to the extent of the Office Manager’s wilful act or omission.

6.  Dealings

This licence is personal to the parties and is not transferable.

7.  Disputes

(a) In the event of a dispute between the Office Manager and Office Seeker regarding this licence or the Office Seeker’s occupation of the Office, the parties must in the first instance meet within 5 days of one party notifying the other in writing of the details of the dispute;

(b) If the parties, acting reasonably, cannot resolve the dispute within 3 days of meeting, either party may refer the dispute to be resolved by mediation, with a mediator appointed by the parties (or in the absence of agreement, a mediator registered on the Australian Mediation Register);

(c) If the parties cannot resolve the dispute within 30 days of the dispute being referred to mediation, either party may refer the dispute to a relevant court of commercial law;

Nothing in this licence prevents either party from seeking urgent interlocutory relief at any time.

8.  Expiry or termination of licence

On or before the expiry or termination of this licence, the Office Seeker must:

(a) remove any goods or other items belonging to it that are located in the Office and leave the Office clean and free of rubbish; and

(b) return all keys or access cards for the Office or the Building to the Office Manager and pay the replacement cost of any key or access card not returned to the Office Manager.

(c) provide written notice of termination of licence in writing, 30 days prior to the requested termination date.

9.  Costs and duty

(a) The Office Seeker must pay and, if paid by the Office Manager, reimburse the Office Manager on demand for the Office Manager’s reasonable legal (on a full indemnity basis) and other costs and expenses relating to:

(i) doing anything that ought to have been done by the Office Seeker under this document;

(ii) the Office Seeker being in default under this document; and

(iii) any proceedings brought by the Office Manager to enforce this document.

(b) The Office Seeker is liable for and must pay for all stamp duty or like duties or imposts (including any fine, interest or penalty) payable or assessed on or in connection with this document or any transaction evidenced, effected or contemplated by it.

10.  GST

(a) Unless there is a contrary indication, words and expressions which are not defined in this document but which have a defined meaning in the A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999 (Cth) have the same meaning when used in this clause.

(b) Unless otherwise expressly stated, all consideration, whether monetary or non-monetary, payable or to be provided under or in connection with this document is exclusive of GST.  If GST is payable on any supply made by a party under or in connection with this document then, subject to the earlier receipt of a tax invoice, the recipient of the supply must pay to the supplier an amount equal to the GST payable on the supply.

11.  General

(a) This document is governed by and is to be construed in accordance with the laws applicable in the State or Territory of Australia where the Building is located (State). Each party irrevocably and unconditionally submits to the non‑exclusive jurisdiction of the courts exercising jurisdiction in the State and any courts which have jurisdiction to hear appeals from any of those courts and waives any right to object to any proceedings being brought in those courts.

(b) An obligation of two or more persons binds them separately and together.

(c) Unless expressed to the contrary, in this document:

(i) terms have the meanings given in the Details Schedule at the start of this document and Associates means the Office Seeker's employees, agents, trade contractors, customers, clients, visitors (with or without invitation) and invitees who may at any time be in the Office or the Building;

(ii) words in the singular include the plural and vice versa;

(iii) ‘includes’ means includes without limitation;

(iv) no rule of construction will apply to a clause to the disadvantage of a party merely because that party put forward the clause or would otherwise benefit from it; and

(v) a reference to:

(A) anything (including any amount) includes either the whole or any part of that thing;

(B) any legislation includes subordinate legislation under it and includes that legislation and subordinate legislation as modified or replaced;

(C) an obligation includes a warranty or representation and a reference to a failure to comply with an obligation includes a breach of warranty or representation;

(D) a right includes a benefit, remedy, discretion or power; and

(E) this document includes all schedules and annexures to it.

(F) this document is not a retail lease and not conditional to consumer laws.

(G) Headings do not affect the interpretation of this document.

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Document name: Eat Marketing Concepts Pty Ltd
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Timestamp Audit
January 22, 2025 2:41 pm AEDTEat Marketing Concepts Pty Ltd Uploaded by B2B HQ Support - [email protected] IP 2403:5801:cf52:0:644a:719e:82e9:37e8